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Bumpdate: 33 Weeks

S E V E N W E E K S.

That's all we have left of this pregnancy before Baby Girl comes! It's blowing my mind how quickly it has all seemed, and probably because we've been busy busy busy over here. There's still so much to do before our second little girl makes her way into this world, and I'm only a little frazzled about it not getting done in time!

We have a crazy busy end-of-fall and early winter ahead of us, so I'm trying to get little things done when I have the time. In my head, there's a ton more I'd like to do in the nursery, but I know that if it doesn't get done, it'll be okay. We have all of the essentials ready to go!

The last month has been busy - photoshoots, weekend trips, my baby sprinkle, and work is picking up as everyone rushes to meet deadlines for Q4. Somehow I've managed to juggle it all, everyone's been where they need to be, and I'm not an exhausted #mombie yet. Only by the grace of God am I still holding it together!

We went to our annual crab feast in the middle of October and that is always a trip we look forward to, and the following weekend one of hubby's best friends got married and we stayed up way too late and danced so hard! (I was totally feeling like a grandma the next day). And then my sister threw a beautiful fall-themed baby sprinkle to celebrate Baby Mahon. It was the best group of my best girl friends!

Baby Mahon is the size of a...

Celery Stalk. (Which to me, is the weirdest way to measure a baby - I feel like there are plenty of other fruits or veggies #TheBump could have used!). But Baby is measuring 17.2 inches and weighing in at a hefty 4.19lbs. With only 7 weeks left, she still has plenty of time to grow (although Big Sister was only 19 inches and 6lb 14oz. when she was born!). She's constantly active and the lower she sits, the more it's killing my back!

Currently Feeling

Sore, Achy, and over it. I have reached the point where I am ready to be finished being pregnant, not that I have any control over that! I started having pretty regular Braxton Hicks and whereas they don't get progressively worse, they're pretty miserable. What's new this time around is that I am feeling contractions in my lower back instead of just my stomach. This means a lot of long nights and tossing and turning to find decent positions where I'm not wildly uncomfortable. I'm pretty much at the point where if something falls on the floor and I don't need it, it's staying there (sorry, hubby!)

Currently Craving

I'm still pretty bummed that I haven't had any really significant cravings this pregnancy. Not that I had severe or crazy ones with our first either. I find myself wanting to just nibble on snacks more than eat huge meals *cue indigestion and heartburn* I'm still loving any kind of dip and I want all the fried rice with yum-yum sauce!

Currently Wearing

I'm living in joggers and everything soft and comfy right now. As the weather has gotten much cooler, I'm also loving duster sweaters and oversized sweaters that aren't too restricting or tight. Because I still have client meetings and see people face-to-face, I'm also finding myself loving sweater dresses and swing dresses paired with cozy cardigans. A lot of my outfits are on repeat since I'm starting to run low on options, the bigger I get! Tying shoes and pulling on and off boots is a chore, so I'm practically living in slip-on sneakers.

Some of my favorites:

Current Worries

It just clicked the other day that I only have 7 WEEKS until my due date, which means everything for baby needs to be done relatively soon. This means washing all the clothes, making sure the Rock-n-Play cover is cleaned, having sheets for the crib, making sure we have all the essentials for a newborn... and none of it is done so far. So naturally, I'm a little stressed over that. There is still TONS that I wish I could do in the nursery, but it doesn't look like that will happen - meaning my dream of having a girly, cozy nursery out of the question. Fortunately, we won't use the nursery a lot during the first few months.


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