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Bumpdate - 15 weeks

I cannot believe how quickly this pregnancy is flying by! It's much less scary the second time around and I know what to expect (for the most part!) Although, this time, I have been thrown a few loops already. We are doing things a lot differently and everything is much more laid back for Baby #2.

The most exciting thing so far since entering the 2nd trimester was having the blood work test done to find out the gender of our little peanut... only we don't know yet! In a week and a half we are throwing a gender reveal fiesta. With our first baby, we couldn't wait to find out as soon as possible. This time, we decided to be surprised with our friends and family.

This pregnancy is a lot more noticeable earlier on - it's no joke that your body remembers how to grow a baby! I am close to popping out a real bump, but I am still in the "pregnant-or-just-fat" stage of things.

Baby Mahon is the size of a...

Donut (which might explain a few things!), measuring at approximately 4.02 inches and weighing 2.5 ounces. Tiny little thing is moving all around - Hubs and I both felt a little tiny movement already!

Currently feeling:

I feel really good. During my first pregnancy I was constantly exhausted... and hungry. Not so much this time. Luckily my appetite is back and I'm eating more than cereal, but I've been really energetic. Partially because I'm chasing a toddler, but also because this pregnancy has been a polar opposite (Does that mean it's a boy?!) We are anxiously awaiting the 16 week marker when baby can hear us.

Currently Craving:

Unfortunately, not much! I didn't have any significant cravings the first time around, and it's been the same. I do find myself wanting red meat more frequently, but perhaps because I was anemic when I was pregnant with Caroline, my body is doing some self-preservation!

Yasso: Guilty pleasure - but not entirely... instead of binging on ice cream, I've been really into the Yasso frozen yogurt bars and pops. My favorite so far has been the ice cream sandwich and the Coffee Chocolate bar. Maybe that's to make up for not drinking coffee!

Popcorn: Another not-super-healthy craving, but I find myself wanting popcorn all the time. I got a hot-air popper for Christmas and it's definitely come in handy. Instead of making buttery microwave popcorn, I can make my own, in a smaller serving (instead of eating the whole bag!) and use less butter or other popcorn toppings - like Old Bay!

Currently Wearing:

Because I started to get a little bloated and bump much earlier, I had to break out some looser fitting tops and dresses much sooner than I thought! Fortunately, I have never been a huge fan of skin tight clothes (hello awkward body proportions!), so a lot of dresses are loose and flowy. I love swing dresses and maxi dresses for hot weather, and they make a great maternity option. I did purchase a few maternity items during the huge sale at Motherhood Maternity. My favorite olive green pants are sold out, but the jeans below are incredibly similar. Below are a few of my favorite pieces right now:

Shop this look Jeans: Motherhood Maternity | Dress: JcPenney | Top: MotherHood Maternity

Favorite Product at the Moment:

I'm not sure if this is fair, because it's my favorite throughout my entire pregnancy - but my Snoogle body pillow from Leachco is a total lifesaver. I get a good night's rest and can actually get comfortable pretty easily. Sleeping on my back has started to leave me feeling sore in the morning, and as someone who always sleeps on their stomach, I had a hard time adjusting to sleeping on my side. BUT this pillow works wonders. I can get the support I need, get comfortable, and maneuver the pillow around my body regardless of how I lay. Check out my favorite First Trimester Must-Haves here.

Current Worries:

Getting the house organized for another baby. We have an okay system for where Caroline's toys go now, but it's a work in progress. However, adding another kid, more toys, all the baby chairs, cribs, rockers, and more makes me a little nervous as to how it'll all fit! I've been looking into some storage solutions that won't compromise the aesthetics of the house, as well as finding some cool ways to use what we already have for more storage. Right now, the "nursery" is our extra bedroom/office/dumping grounds for all the junk we don't know what to do with. I have a few cool repurposing projects in mind (so stay tuned!) that will free up space, as well as some trips to IKEA in the future for totes and shelving.

That's all for now! I'll try to keep this updated every month or so for those who are interested (here's looking at the grandmas!)


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